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OasisOLC and Deaths Gate script reference

Mobile Editor

Mobile edit has the following syntax:

     medit <vnum>         - edit the mobile with number <vnum>
                            You can only do this in your own zone.

     medit save <zone>    - save mobs in this zone to disk. This happens
                            automagically, so this is only if some strange error
                            should occur.

     olc                    To see if you've saved all your work.
     mlist [low high]       To list the mobiles in your zone.
                            The optional arguments are only available to Gods, 
                            and lists the specified range of mob numbers.

The medit command starts the menu based mobile editor - here's a look at a new mob:

-- Mob Number:  [1298]
1) Sex: neutral          2) Alias: testt mob
3) S-Desc: the unfinished mob
4) L-Desc:-
An unfinished mob stands here.
5) D-Desc:-
It looks unfinished.
6) Level:       [   0],  7) Alignment:    [   0]
8) Hitroll:     [   0],  9) Damroll:      [   0]
A) NumDamDice:  [   1],  B) SizeDamDice:  [   1]
C) Num HP Dice: [   1],  D) Size HP Dice: [   1],  E) HP Bonus: [    0]
F) Armor Class: [ 100],  G) Exp:     [        0],  H) Gold:  [       0]
I) Position  : Standing
J) Default   : Standing
K) Attack    : hit
L) NPC Flags : ISNPC
N) Attacks   : 1
S) Script    : Not Set.
Q) Quit

And now a step by step walkthrough of the menu items:

-- Mob Number:  [1298]
1) Sex: neutral          2) Alias: testt mob

Sets the sex (male, female or neutral), and the aliases for the mob. The aliases are the words you can use to interact with the mobile, i.e. 'kill', 'look at'. It should be something reasonably easy to find out when entering the room.

3) S-Desc: the unfinished mob

This is the short description - it's the text you'll see every time the mob does anything, i.e. 'The unfinished mob picks up some trash', 'You hit the gateguard very hard', etc.
Note - do not use punctuation or proper case in the short description, as the text will be put into sentences.

4) L-Desc:-
An unfinished mob stands here.

The long description is seen every time you enter the room the mob is in, and it's in its default position - more about positions here.

5) D-Desc:-
It looks unfinished.

The detailed description is seen when you 'look at mob', or 'examine mob'.
Remember to delete the standard text, using either /d1 or /c.
This uses the improved editor.

6) Level:       [   0],  7) Alignment:    [   0]

The level of the mob is used in the 'consider' command, and when gaining experience. The next lines are all dependant upon the level of the mob, to a larger or smaller extent. To see how the standard mob is calculated, see here. 
The alignment of a mobile is determined entirely by you, depending on the type of area you're creating. The alignment can be from -1000 (extremely evil) to +1000 (divinely good).

8) Hitroll:     [   0],  9) Damroll:      [   0]

Hit roll makes the mob hit its target more often, while dam roll gives a higher damage per hit. Again, these are standardized here. Vary a little and it's ok - vary much and we expect a good explanation.

A) NumDamDice:  [   1],  B) SizeDamDice:  [   1]

A human hits for 1d2 bare hand damage - mobs of larger size hits considerably harder. This is also precalculated here. Again - variations are in order - but don't vary too much. 

C) Num HP Dice: [   1],  D) Size HP Dice: [   1],  E) HP Bonus: [    0]

This is where the hit points are determined. The dice part makes sure all mobs have different hit points, while the bonus part makes sure all have some, even if the dice all roll a 0. This is also precalculated here. Again - variations are in order - but don't vary too much.

F) Armor Class: [ 100],  G) Exp:     [        0],  H) Gold:  [       0]

Armor class ranges from -100 to 100, with -100 being the ultimate armor. It is extremely difficult to hit a mob with Armor class -100. It is also calculated from the level of the mob.
Experience points are what everybody wants - don't give them away too cheap.
Gold is another matter entirely - NO GOLD ON ANIMALS!! - now you've seen it. Depending on the situation, a mob may have all kinds of money on him- but limit it to 25,000 ready gold. Only the VERY strong can carry gold around in those amounts. As a general rule - try setting the mobs 'wealth' to correspond to the strength of the mob.

I) Position  : Standing
J) Default   : Standing

The first position controls how the mobile is when loaded - it might be loaded sleeping. The next position controls which position the mobile will assume after a fight. This is also the position in which the mob will be showing its long-description.
Possible positions are listed here.

K) Attack    : hit

The attack type of the mob. Attack types are listed here.

L) NPC Flags : ISNPC

The mob has a host of different options, which can be set as flags. The flags are a bitvector.
The flags are listed here.


The affection flags control some different movement and magic options. The flags are a bitvector.
The affection flags are listed here.

S) Script    : Not Set.

This menu point will let you edit which triggers are attached to the mob. 
This opens the script menu.
Note, this doesn't make the trigger, it just attaches it. Make sure to test the trigger via the attach command first.

Q) Quit

And lastly Q quits the editor. If you've changed anything, it'll ask if you want to save. All changes are saved to disk right away.

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© 2005 Thomas Arp (Welcor). All rights reserved.