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OasisOLC and Deaths Gate script reference

Object Editor

Object edit has the following syntax:

      oedit <vnum>        - edit the object with number <vnum>
                            You can only do this in your own zone.

      olist [low high]    - To list the objects in your zone.
                            The optional arguments are only available to Gods, 
                            and lists the specified range of object numbers.

      oedit save <zone>   - save objects in this zone to disk. This happens
                            automagically, so this is only if some strange error
                            should occur.

      olc                 - list unsaved data

Oedit starts the object editor - let's begin with a new object:

-- Item number : [1298]
1) Namelist :  unfinished object
2) S-Desc   :  an unfinished object
3) L-Desc   :-
An unfinished object is lying here.
4) A-Desc   :-
<not set>
5) Type        : UNDEFINED
6) Extra flags : NOBITS
7) Wear flags  : TAKE
8) Weight      : 0
9) Cost        : 0
A) Cost/Day    : 0
B) Timer       : 0
C) Values      : 0 0 0 0
D) Applies menu
E) Extra descriptions menu
M) Min Level   : 0
P) Perm Affects: NOBITS
L) Wpn Spells  : Not Set.
S) Script    : Not Set.
Q) Quit

And now for a step by step guide at object creation.

-- Item number : [1298]
1) Namelist :  unfinished object

The name or alias for the object. Absolutely necessary!
DO NOT USE COLOR HERE! This is what's checked against in commands like 'get', 'wear', etc.

2) S-Desc   :  an unfinished object

The shortdescription is what people see, when they are carrying the object or handling it. Do not use punctuation or proper case. Think about it - you'll want something that fits this: 'You get xxx'.

3) L-Desc   :-
An unfinished object is lying here.

This is seen if the item is on the ground, and a player looks in the room.

4) A-Desc   :-
<not set>

Action description is only used in two cases:

If the object is a STAFF/WAND/POTION/SCROLL, the action description is sent to the room instead of the usual 'someone taps a staff three times...', when the staff is used.
The action description can contain control chars which are substituted when the message is sent out:
$n = the person using the potion/staff/wand/scroll (hereafter: "the magical object")
$N = the target, if any.
$p = the name of the magical object (S-desc)
$m = him/her/it based on the sex of the user
$M = him/her/it based on the sex of the victim, if any

Or, if the object is a NOTE, the action description contains the text of the note.

5) Type        : UNDEFINED

This is where the interesting stuff begins. You can choose the type of the object here. 
A list is of the types is available here.

6) Extra flags : NOBITS

Extra flags determine whether or not specific classes/alignments are allowed to use the object, if it is blessed, magic or metal etc.
A complete list of the extra flags are here.

7) Wear flags  : TAKE

Again a bitvector, the wear flags determine how you can handle the object. Standard is TAKE, but to wear armor etc. you need to give it a wear location. Note, however, that items without the TAKE cannot be picked up.
A list of the wear positions is here.

8) Weight      : 0

The objects weight in pounds. Be reasonable - weapons weighing more than 30 pounds are god+ only, since they're the only ones with the strength to wield them.

9) Cost        : 0

The base cost of the object. If the object is made with silver and set in with jewelry, it will be expensive, but most nonmagical items are - relatively - low priced.

A) Cost/Day    : 0

The rent cost - how much does it cost to to rent one day with this item.

B) Timer       : 0

Shouldn't be set, usually, but may be used in conjunction with a timer script.

C) Values      : 0 0 0 0

This is where the object type comes in. Depending on the type, these four digits can mean anything.
I've included a list here

D) Applies menu

The applies comes into play when you wear, wield or hold the object.
Choosing this menu point opens the Applies menu.

E) Extra descriptions menu

This is where you enter descriptions for people to see when they look at the item.
Choosing this menu point opens the extra description menu.

M) Min Level   : 0

What level do you have to be to use the object?

P) Perm Affects: NOBITS

The permanent effects are the effects this object will have on you, when you wear, wield or hold it. Unlike the applies, these are spell effects.
DO NOT USE THIS, unless the object is special in some way, and ALWAYS set the magic bit when doing it.
They are all listed here.

L) Wpn Spells  : Not Set.

This option will let you set a weapon spell on the object. As the name says, this only makes sense on WEAPON type objects.
DO NOT USE THIS, unless the object is special in some way, and ALWAYS set the MAGIC bit when doing it.
Only VERY special weapons have weapon spells, and don't make more than one. The spell will target the opponent, and the percentage is checked for each hit.

S) Script    : Not Set.

This menu point will let you edit which triggers are attached to the object. 
This opens the script menu.

Q) Quit

Quits the oedit menu, and lets you save your work to disk.

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The applies menu:

 1) None.
 2) None.
 3) None.
 4) None.
 5) None.
 6) None.

Enter affection to modify (0 to quit) :

This lets you modify a choice of different values on the item.
There is a maximum of 6 applies on each item and they can be negative as well as positive.
To give good balance in the game, make sure objects aren't too powerful. Try to balance things out; ie. if you give 1 extra HIT_N_DAM, maybe add 10 to APPLY_ARMOR (making it less protecting), and limiting the level of the object. The applies are listed here.

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The extra description menu:

1) Keyword: 
2) Description:
3) Goto next description: <NOT SET>
Enter choice (0 to quit) : 

The extra description menu consists of the following parts:

1) Keyword: <NONE>

These are the things people need to look at to see the description, i.e. 'look plant'

2) Description:

What people see, when they look - this uses the improved editor.

3) Goto next description: <NOT SET>

You may have an arbitrary number of extra descriptions. Choose menu point 3 to edit the next.

Enter choice (0 to quit) : 

Or press 0 to return to the main menu.

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© 2005 Thomas Arp (Welcor). All rights reserved.