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OasisOLC and Deaths Gate script reference

Room Trigger Types


 - not a trigger type by itself; used in conjunction with Random. While Random triggers only trigger if players are in the zone, Global+Random triggers can trigger regardless.

Argument     : not used.
NArg         : not used.
Return value : none.
Variables    : none.

Trigger example


 - no specific event needs to occur for this trigger to be activated. Every 13 seconds , this trigger has a chance to run. If global is not specified, it will only run if a player is in the room.

Argument     : not used.
NArg         : 0 - 100: the percentage change this trigger
                        will run when its time comes due.
Return value : none.
Variables    : none.

Trigger example


This trigger activates when commands are performed in the same room as the mobile.

Argument     : text which must be part of the command typed 
               to filter out uninteresting commands.
NArg         : not used.
Return value : If 0 is returned by the trigger, character will
               receive the same message as if the trigger did not
               exist, and any other command triggers will be checked.
Variables    : %actor% the character issuing the command
               %cmd%   the exact command (without arguments) issued
               %arg%   the arguments, if any, following the command

Trigger example


 - activates when matching text is spoken by a character in the same room as the mobile.

Argument     : a phrase or wordlist to be matched.
NArg         : 0: argument is a substring that must be found
                  in the speech to cause a match. 
               1: argument is a list of words, any of which found
                  in the speech will activate the trigger.
Return value : none.
Variables    : %actor%  the character whose speech activated the trigger
               %speech% the entire phrase spoken

Trigger example

Zone Reset

The Trigger may be activated every zone reset.

Argument     : not used.
NArg         : 0 - 100 : percent chance this trigger will be activated.
Return value : none.
Variables    : none.

Trigger example


The trigger may be activated when someone enters the room.

Argument     : not used.
NArg         : 0 - 100 : percent chance this trigger will be activated.
Return value : 0: the character will not be allowed to enter.
Variables    : %actor%     the character trying to enter
               %direction% the direction the character is coming from

Trigger example


The trigger may be activated if a character drops an object on the room.

Argument     : not used.
NArg         : 0 - 100 :percent chance this trigger will be activated.
Return value : 0: the object will not be dropped
Variables    : %actor%   the character dropping the item
               %object%  the object dropped

Trigger example


 May be triggered if a spell is cast in the room.

Argument     : not used.
NArg         : percent chance this trigger will be activated.
Return value : 1: Spell will be cast as usual.
               0: The spell will not be cast.
Variables    : %actor%     the caster of the spell
               %spell%     the number of the spell
               %spellname% the name of the spell
               %vict%      the target (mob/player) of the spell, if any.
               %obj%       the target (object) of the spell, if any.

Trigger example


Much like the Enter trigger, this trigger may fire if someone is leaving the room.

Argument     : not used.
NArg         : percent chance this trigger will be activated.
Return value : 0 : The move will not take place.
               1 : The move will happen as ordinary.
Variables    : %actor%     the character leavering the room.
               %direction% the direction the character is leaving to.

Trigger example


 - may be activated when someone uses any of  the door specific commands 'close, open, pick, lock, unlock' on a door in the room. 

Argument     : not used.
NArg         : percent chance this trigger will be activated.
Return value : 0 : The command will not execute.
               1 : The command will execute as normal.
Variables    : %actor%     the character using the command.
               %direction% the direction the command is used on.
               %cmd%       the specific command activating the trigger .

Trigger example


 Is activated when the mud hour is equal to the numerical argument.

Argument     : not used.
NArg         : mud hour for activation (0-23).
Return value : not used.
Variables    : %time%      the current mud hour.

Trigger example

© 2005 Thomas Arp (Welcor). All rights reserved.