Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave
feedback. More is always appreciated. Please leave your own review at
The Mudconnector
Review Submitted By: Detta
Author Status: Builder and Staff Member
Started on The Builder Academy: June 2003
Submission Date: Sep 17, 2003
Initially I came to TBA knowing absolutely nothing about any sort of
building, having wanted to learn but being worried about expectations,
difficulty etc. However, I eventually put in an application and found
it an extremely supportive atmosphere. There are extensive help files
on almost everything, there are no deadlines or pressures, and regular
staff members to help with any problems.
Was given the trial of building one basic room/object/mob first, and
was then able to work on my own zone in my own time, and learn some
of the more challenging aspects of building.
Thoroughly enjoyed and enjoying the whole experience and am now helping
out as staff there myself. Regardless of how little or how much you
know about building, if you'd like to give it a go, or are just curious
as to what it entails then I wholeheartedly recommend coming by :).
Review Submitted By: Heiach
Author Status: Builder and Staff Member
Started on The Builder Academy: 2003
Submission Date: Jan 10, 2004
TMC Listing: The Builder Academy
I entered TBA with the hope of becoming a teacher. I've been building
for quite some time and my first impression was that of a pleasant MUD
with a very helpful staff. I filled out an application form and was
soon on my way. There is wonderful builder tutorial there, and despite
the fact I thought I knew most of it, I read it all anyway and learnt
I was then issued with a trial vnum, that is 1 room, 1 object and 1
mobile. And I described them to the best of my abilities. After some
friendly suggestions my vnum was passed and I was set up with my very
own zone.
The whole reason I came was to help teach DG scripting, but I ended
up learning many, many things that I had no idea were even possible.
I am currently working there as a staff member and would definitely
recommend coming here whether you're an experienced builder and want
to refine your skills or if you're absolutely new to building and have
not a clue at all. Be assured, you'll be welcomed with open arms and
treated politely.
Review Submitted By: Maren
Author Status: Builder
I'm so glad that you've been such a great resource. The lessons I learned
at your BA have helped me develop areas for the MUD that I have
played for 4 years. I can't thank you enough for what you've done.
Review Submitted By: Chubs
Author Status: Builder
Submission Date: Mar 4, 2003
Id like to say your help file on triggers has been an immense help,
and that the mud altogether has helped, I direct learners to go here
if they want to learn, thanks for working so hard Rumble, Relsqui, and
community! ^. ^
Review Submitted By: Znith
Author Status: Builder
I feel like this is my training ground. Good work you guys do...I, and
the rest of the mudding world, should and do appreciate it.
Review Submitted By: Santa
Author Status: Builder and Staff
Submission Date: Jan 14, 2004
I came to thank you for all your help when I started doing this err
zone making, the creative writing process I realized has really helped
me out a lot, and is a skill that not many possess.
Right now, my friends and I started a new enterprise called meal deal.
So we're doing a lot of work for restaurants and stuff, and I've began
to do restaurant reviews and pretty much all the copywriting on the
entire website and on the sales kits and blah blah blah. It's a hell
of a lot of writing. So er yeah, keep up the good work. and I just want
to say thanks.
Review Submitted By: Robert
Author Status: Builder
Submission Date: Mar 4, 2003
This is a very helpful academy where even the computer illiterate can
learn to build (like me. It has a group of rooms that teach you all
you need to know as long as you have patience to read them. There are
people on it that help you when you need information or tips.
Review Submitted By: Elaseth
Author Status: Builder and Staff member
Started on The Builder Academy: Oct 1999
Submission Date: Feb 8, 2004
TMC Listing: The Builder Academy
I've been on TBA off and on from the time before Cruel
World actually had players and TBA was just a building port to the time
Cruel World shut down for good and TBA was all that was left.
When I originally went to TBA, I had just resigned from an admin position
on a MUD and was floating about. I saw an advertisement for TBA and
thought I'd see if there was anything to learn - and learn I did. It
did not take long before I was helping others, and soon after that I
meandered my way up the ranks to be one of their staff.
From a staff perspective, we always attempt to answer all questions
and feel a commitment to improving the mud community - that of other
muds, not our own. Rumble, who runs TBA's social side, has a strong
sense of community and a desire to see others succeed. The rest of us
have bought into his flowers-and-sunshine ideals and are trying to do
our part... or haven't and are just using Rumble's resources for our
own vision and enlightenment. In either case, all comers are treated
with respect by the staff.
The intention of TBA is simple - it's all about serving builders. We
cater to:
-- those learning to build
-- those simply enacting a vision for a zone
-- those building for another mud
-- learning to script with DG-scripts
-- discussing building tips and techniques
-- trying out pet theories
-- those seeking to expose themselves to the theories of others
There are no deadlines to work to but your own (though we do occassionally
overwrite or erase older work for the sake of making space for newer
work). It's my opinion that the staff is mature, service-oriented, and
non-judgemental about building abilities.
If you wish to participate in any of the above, I believe we uniquely
suit your needs. The only drawback is that while many building techniques
are universal, we specifically teach the use of CircleMUD 3.1 with DG-Scripts
1.0.12 and OasisOLC 2.0.6.
Happy Building!
Review Submitted By: Elorien/Elora2404
Author Status: Builder and Staff Member
Started on The Builder Academy: Some weeks ago
Submission Date: Feb 15, 2004
There are a few places out there that are first and foremost dedicated
to helping out the MUD community. This is one of the finest examples
of such a place.
When I first entered the TBA, I was greeted by enthusiastic players
and staff members, who took the time to help me get started, and showed
me all the patience in the world while I finished the application process.
The standard on TBA is generally very high, and it keeps getting higher.
There is a common consensus among both players and staff that everyone,
including those most experienced and/or most talented, has something
to learn. Advice and honest opinions are given when requested, but at
the same time every builder has the freedom to both experiment with
unconventional building techniques, as well as a chance to learn or
get better with traditional
CircleMUD tools.
This is a place for builders who love to build, and the building happens
in the friendliest atmosphere you could possibly imagine. I have yet
to meet any single person who wasn't open, kind and ready to help with
whatever you might need. And these people really know what they're doing.
Before I started at TBA, I was completely drained of creative energy.
After a longer, rather trying Imm-ship, I felt unappreciated, unmotivated
and with the exception of a little private doodling in Word, I had stopped
building altogether. It took no more than a few days on TBA to make
my mind start dreaming up new plots and schemes, planning a huge library
meant to be a place that can help roleplayers evolve their clerics and
mages at a scholarly level. I'm thoroughly enjoying every moment in
there because, more than
anything else, TBA remembers that building (and mudding in general)
before anything else, is supposed to be fun.
Review Submitted By: Salem
Author Status: Staff member
Started on The Builder Academy: 1 year ago.
Submission Date: Jun 18, 2005
I came to TBA, not knowing anything about building for the codebase
of circlemud. I didn't really want to build either. I thought, why,
its time wasting, but with help from the admin, Rumble, he showed me
the complex, but interesting ways of building. Of course, as I went
on, I got to learn more and more about different codebases, not just
circlemud, which TBA is based on.
I was given the trial vnum, the standard one room/object/mobile,
and i started out building a medieval based trial. While learning the
aspects of building, i went on to apply for a zone, and learnt more
of building as i went on.
I now help new builders with their vnums, as people did
before me. I enjoy the staff, they are very friendly and helpful. Nevermind
if you know nothing of building, we will turn that around for you. If
you are interested in learning to build, you can join us on the listed
address, and i purely recommend you having a look, Thank you :)
A Special thank you to Rumble and Welcor.
Review Submitted By: Random Thoughts
Author Status: Staff member
Started on The Builder Academy: A long time ago...
Submission Date: Jul 16, 2005
I have been at TBA for quite a while now and am now a Junior Staff
Member there. When I first came to TBA it was to learn to use DG Scripts,
and I found that I enjoyed sharing what I knew about the other aspects
of MUD building with those that needed the info. What brought this
about in me is the way the staff that was already there treated me
and helped me learn.
This MUD isn't there for players, though there is a player's port.
This MUD is to teach people how to build, or give them a place to
build. The Owners and Implementors invite other MUD owners and Imps
to send their players to use to build, and not even have to make their
own builder's port. They can come
to us, be taught, have their zone reviewed for typos and clarity,
and then it can be zipped up and sent with the builder back to their
own MUD. Or if you aren't already part of a MUD and just want to learn
to build, or even teach, you are welcome to drop in.
The zones that are built on TBA belong to the builder, but with permission
will be available for download to the mud community in general and
all zones that have permission for download are included in the stock
distribution of the CWG Buddha download, which is the coder's version
of TBA.
Come, chat, learn, teach, build. That's what this place exists for.
Review Submitted By: Ferret
Author Status: Staff member
Started on The Builder Academy: Oct 17 2000
Submission Date: Jul 23, 2005
I joined the Builders Academy after running my own mud for a couple
of years. I was unable to maintain my mud due to the amount of traveling
I did with my job. The Builder Academy accepted me with open arms
and allowed me to build at my own pace. There is a lot of talent on
the staff which has helped to make the Academy a great learning place.
The Academy has an extremely extensive helpfile system that can answer
almost any question.The Implementers will release your zone to you
via email so that the builders can take their zones to other muds.
If you do not wish to build and seek answers, the staff are more than
happy to help a passer-by. Please remember we teach people how to
build zones and how to script with triggers. We do not provide full
support on how to create and maintain a mud; However we will offer
assistance if we are able to.
Review Submitted By: Cyron
Author Status: Player
Started on The Builder Academy: A few years ago
Submission Date: Jul 24, 2005
TBA is a good mud that has people who are more than willing to help
out with learning to build on a circlemud codebase. It is full of
people who are there to help, and has a ton of tutorials and help
pages that describe easly how to build. I definitely recommend it
for anyone who wants to learn how to build.
Review Submitted By: Paul Garceau
Author Status: Player
Started on The Builder Academy: January, 2006
Submission Date: Apr 30, 2006
The Builder Academy is an excellent place for new builders to learn
and provides fantastic resources in terms of the specifics of actually
building zones within a Circle Mud.
The staff is great!
There is always someone there to help the newbie builder and the
seasoned builder. Most especially those seasoned builders, veterans,
who are just looking for a place to play with various ideas or to
sketch out their 'perfect' zones without the pressure and stress that
seems, at times, all too intense.
The Builders Academy is an excellent place for testing ideas and
trying out new things without being bound to a timeline.
For the newbies, the extensive builders support -- when it comes
to 'All Things MUD' has been, and apparently continues to be, excellent.
Extensive help files are updated fairly regularly. As an added bonus,
within The Builders Academy, there are numerous examples of zones
have worked, and will continue to work, for years. If you are new
to MUD building then take a few moments to check out
The Builders Academy.
If you are a veteran MUD builder, and you want to find a place where
you can interact with other veteran builders in a relaxed and accepting
environment as well as the company of other like-minded veterans,
then The Builders Academy is definitely worth considering.
Original Design by Fade. Maintained
by Rumble