This script will first determine which body part that's been injured, how much d
amage to do, and which messages to send. Then it will damage the char and send messages.
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Enter , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
* Variable definitions
if (%direction% == up)
set todir down
set todir up
eval temp %random.6%
switch %temp%
case 1
set slip foot
set hurt hit
set part head
eval damage %actor.hitp% / 2
case 2
set slip hand
set hurt strain
set part arm
eval damage %actor.hitp% / 3
case 3
set slip hand
set hurt hit
set part knee
eval damage %actor.hitp% / 4
case 4
set slip foot
set hurt hurt
set part leg
eval damage %actor.hitp% / 3
set slip hand
set hurt hit
set part other hand
eval damage %actor.hitp% / 8
* the actual trap part :
wait 1
%send% %actor% As you step %todir%, your %slip% slips and you %hurt% your %part%. OUCH!
%echoaround% %actor% As steps %todir%, %actor.hisher% %slip% slips and %actor.heshe% %hurt%s %actor.hisher% %part%. It looks painful.
%damage %actor% %damage%
This script will, if in the right room, and using the command 'pull tapestries' make a new exit to the east.
The exit is a closed, locked, and pickproof and pickproof door with the keyword 'vault'. It can be unlocked (only)
by the key with vnum 4034 and leads to 4068.
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Command , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: pull
if ("%arg%" == "tapestries")
wsend %actor% You pull the tapestries down, and reveal a secret vault!
wechoaround %actor% As pulls the tapestries down a secret vault is revealed.
wdoor 4067 east flags abcd
wdoor 4067 east key 4034
wdoor 4067 east name vault
wdoor 4067 east room 4068
wsend %actor% Pull what ?!
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Global Random , Numeric Arg: 23, Arg list: None
%echo% A light breeze picks up, causing the leaves to rustle quietly.
wait 200
%echo% Nearby, a bird chirps its greetings to the world.
wait 200
%echo% A rabbit hops across the path, pursued by a wily red fox.
This little script gives a good, solid idea of the kind of room the actor is teleported to in the last lines. Brrr..
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Enter , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
wait 4 s
%echo% Suddenly, a black trickle appears in the snowy white. Another trickle branches
%echo% off from it. The small streams divide, and each one expands. They form into
%echo% circles, and slowly fill the circles with blackened darkness. The great ocean
%echo% of darkness rages and storms, struggling against the white force. It slowly,
%echo% slowly expands, covering the pure force.
wait 3 s
%echo% Only a small circle of purity is left... the darkness rages around it, and
%echo% slowly covers it, completely this time.
wait 3 s
%echo% Done. There is no sign for the pure gleam which ruled this space before.
wait 4 s
%echoaround% %actor% The darkness trickles on's leg, slowly covering it.
%echoaround% %actor% It slowly expands upwards, towards %actor.hisher%'s face...
%echoaround% %actor% Sends a dreadful scream into the air, as the darkness
%echoaround% %actor% completely covers %actor.hisher%.
wait 1 s
%send% %actor% The darkness trickles on your leg, expanding, and heading towards your face!
%send% %actor% The darkness slowly covers your face, choking you.
wait 1 s
%teleport% %actor% 17406
%send% %actor% Suddenly, the darkness completely uncovers you, leaving you gaping for air.
wait 1 s
%force% %actor% look
This script checks if there are any mobs in the room. If there is, they each have 50% chance of being destroyed.
Note, that the script is only run if players are in the zone and then only 5% of the time.
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Random , Numeric Arg: 5, Arg list: None
eval target %self.people%
while %target%
eval tmp_target %target.next_in_room%
if %target.vnum% != -1 && %random.2% != 1
%echo% The gods destroy
purge %target%
eval target %tmp_target%
The trigger opens the door for dwarven players. The %send% is used - as it usually is - in conjunction with %echoaround% which sends a message to the others in the room.
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Command , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: e
if (%cmd%==e || %cmd%==east%)
if (%actor.race%==dwarf)
%send% %actor% The door vanishes as if it was never there, and you step through.
%echoaround% %actor% As steps through the doorway, the door disappears for an instant.
%teleport% %actor% 4011
%echoaround% %actor% has arrived.
%force% %actor% look
return 1
return 0
The above script constantly, and with no pauses send a message every 20th second, adding to the atmosphere (and annoyance :P) of the zone.
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Global Random , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
eval line %random.6%
switch %line%
case 1
wait 20 s
%zoneecho% %self.vnum% A cold wind sweeps through from the north.
case 2
wait 20 s
%zoneecho% %self.vnum% Thunder rumbles in the distance.
case 3
wait 20 s
%zoneecho% %self.vnum% You hear a strange sound.
case 4
wait 20 s
%zoneecho% %self.vnum% You feel something brush against your foot.
case 5
wait 20 s
%zoneecho% %self.vnum% A cold wind sweeps through from the north.
wait 20 s
%zoneecho% %self.vnum% A chilly breeze from the north sends shivers through you.
Obviously, this script sends people to the room 9101 if they aren't carrying the 'tome'.
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Enter , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
%send% %actor% As you fly over the chasm you feel a tingling sensation throughout your body.
wait 1
eval tome %actor.eq(hold)%
if %tome.vnum% == 9112
%send% %actor% Your %tome.shortdesc% vibrates and grows warm to the touch.
%send% %actor% A very strong gust of wind blows, but you are unaffected.
%send% %actor% A huge gust of wind blows and you are swept away like a feather!
%teleport% %actor% 9101
%force% %actor% look
This script gives a reward/punishment depending on which items are dropped.
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Drop , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
%send% %actor% As you drop the %object.shortdesc%, a loud humming starts to come from the walls.
wait 1
eval worth %object.cost% / 100
switch %worth%
case 0
%send% %actor% Your offering was NOT sufficient.
dg_cast 'magic missile' %actor%
case 1
%send% %actor% Your offering was just sufficient.
dg_cast 'cure light' %actor%
dg_cast 'clot minor' %actor%
%purge% %object%
case 2
%send% %actor% Your offering was sufficient.
dg_cast 'refresh' %actor%
%purge% %object%
%send% %actor% Your offering was as it must be.
dg_cast 'invisibility' %actor%
%purge% %object%
Again, often used to create some atmosphere in a zone, this little script sends
a message to the surrounding rooms every 20 seconds, as long as someone is in the zone.
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Random , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
%asound% You hear a blood chilling howl from near by"
wait 20 s