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OasisOLC and Deaths Gate script reference

Shop flags

'No Trade with' - flags

 1)  Good         Shopkeeper will not trade with good-aligned people
 2)  Evil         Shopkeeper will not trade with evil-aligned people
 3)  Neutral      Shopkeeper will not trade with neutral-aligned people
 4)  Magic User   Shopkeeper will not trade with Magic Users
 5)  Cleric       Shopkeeper will not trade with Clerics
 6)  Thief        Shopkeeper will not trade with Thieves
 7)  Warrior      Shopkeeper will not trade with Warriors
 8)  Vampire      Shopkeeper will not trade with Vampires 
 9)  Barbarian    Shopkeeper will not trade with Barbarians 
 10) Psioniscist  Shopkeeper will not trade with Psioniscists 
 11) Paladin      Shopkeeper will not trade with Paladins 
 12) Ranger       Shopkeeper will not trade with Rangers 
 13) Druid        Shopkeeper will not trade with Druids 
 14) Undead       Shopkeeper will not trade with the Undead 
 15) Living       Shopkeeper will not trade with the Living 

Shop Flags

 1)  WILL_FIGHT    The shopkeeper will engage into combat if attacked.

 2)  USES_BANK     The shopkeeper deposits all gold above 15.000 coins in the bank.

 3)  !CHARISMA     The shopkeeper does not use the charisma of the 
                   trader in the price calculation. Undead generally have a low charisma.
© 2005 Thomas Arp (Welcor). All rights reserved.