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OasisOLC and Deaths Gate script reference



Cause amount points of damage to victim. The amount can be negative, to create a healing effect.

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Used for adding, deleting, and modifying doors in room #vnum:

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message is sent to all non-sleeping characters in the same room that this script is executing in.

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message will be sent to all characters in the room with victim, except victim.

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Force the victim to perform a particular command. Cannot be made to force immortals.

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Load the specified object or mobile.

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Remove victim from the game. May not be used on players.


Send message to victim.

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Zoneecho echoes message to the zone.

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Teleport moves the victim to the target. The victim does not need to be in the same room as the mob. If the victim is 'all', all the characters in the room will be teleported to the target room. No messages are generated by this command.

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This allows the holder of a trigger to cast spells. Spells will work for rooms and objects, as well as mobiles.

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The message is send to all surrounding rooms.

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Set the countdown timer of this object to value. Useful for objects with timer triggers.

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This command causes the executing object to transform into another object, based on the vnum argument supplied. The four basic values will remain those of the original mob but all other statistics and descriptions will be those of the new object. The transformation is permanent, tho additional transformations may be performed. No message regarding the transformation is sent to the room. The new object will have the same script as the originating object, rather than any script normally assigned to the new object, and no load trigger will be executed.

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Osetval lets you alter the object value of an object. The meaning of the value depends on the object type, and can be studied here.

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© 2005 Thomas Arp (Welcor). All rights reserved.